The human attachment system is a natural and biological process that motivates us to stay in connection with others. Human beings have always lived in a community, and we depend on these connections for our survival.
All About Attachment. What it is and why it’s important.
If you are an animal lover, you have likely felt the deep love and connection that pets can bring into your life. Pets provide us with comfort, love, companionship, and overall meaningful relationships.
The Healing Power of Pets: How our Relationships with Animals Impact our Well-Being
Is there a time when you feel the most like “yourself”? Or moments when you have stayed calm, even in a stressful situation? Is there an environment or activity where you feel confident and self-assured? This might be your adult self!
Making Space for Our
Adult Selves
As humans, we are experts at trying not to feel our emotions. The Change Triangle, created by Hilary Jacobs Hendel, is a visual representation of our emotional experience that can help guide us to feeling into our emotions and coming back to our authentic selves.
The Change Triangle - A Roadmap to Our Emotions
Mindfulness is the practice of cultivating present-moment awareness. Rooted in Buddhist and Hindu philosophy, the ideas behind mindfulness have existed for thousands of years and have more recently become popular in the West, including in therapy practice.
How to Practice Mindfulness
Body image is the perception we have of our own bodies. This includes the mental image we have of ourselves, thoughts and beliefs about our bodies, feelings about our appearance, as well as behaviours that impact our bodies.
The Journey to Healing
Body Image
Parts work is helpful when we feel stuck in a pattern of behaviour that feels unhealthy or harmful in some way. Often, when we go through traumatic or difficult experiences as children, a protective part will develop to help us survive that experience.
What is “Parts Work” in Therapy?
Imagine if someone was following you around all day criticizing you.
Does this sound stressful? Does it also sound familiar? Believe it or not, this is the reality for many of us. Except the person doing the criticizing is ourselves!
How to Practice Self-Compassion and Stop the Inner Critic from Negative Self Talk
Low Self-Esteem: What It Is and What Can You Do About It?
Having low self-esteem can impact relationships, work or home life, body image, and mental health. Read on to find out what it means and what you can do about it.